Spring Roof Maintenance Tips
Ahhh, spring. A time we all look forward to after months of cold, dark, and wet Maryland weather. As we look forward to some better conditions on the job, we put together some spring roof maintenance tips for you! If you’re a homeowner, please give this a glance.
Snow and ice give way to fresh flowers and greenery. Thoughts of beach days in Ocean City have us checking for daily highs rather than wind chills. We welcome an occasional rain shower over a soggy snow day. Warmer temperatures, longer days, and spring showers, however, do come with their share of inconveniences too.
The last few months of winter weather has been tough on your shingles. The build up of heavy snow and ice deteriorates shingles’ weather-resistant granules and weakens their attachment. While this isn’t a worry if your roof is new and in good condition, cyclical weather patterns over many years certainly take a toll.
Coming out of particularly wet winter in Maryland, it’s important to keep spring roof maintenance in mind. Spring cleaning doesn’t only apply to the family coat closet and winter wardrobe. Routine spring roof maintenance can not only make a home look better, but also help extend the life of your roof. There are a few crucial things to look out for in the spring, and Charm City Roofing has outlined a few maintenance tips that are particularly important.
Spring Roof Maintenance:
Tree Limbs over your roof. This is a danger in any season, but it’s especially helpful to catch before trees regain their leaves, flowers, and other droppings. Limbs and branches that touch your roof will scrape and wear down your shingles. Debris from trees close to your house will collect on your roof and retain unwanted moisture. It’s good practice to trim your trees back from your house.
Leaves and Pine Needles. Pine trees are everywhere around the Baltimore area, and do a fine job of holding onto water. Don’t let fallen foliage collect on your roof. Get rid of leaves with a broom, blower, or rake, but be careful not to further damage your shingles.
Moss. Trimming back your trees and clearing up debris will help to ward off moss, but you still might need to lend a helping hand. Months of darker days and sitting water might mean that moss and algae have taken a hold on your shingles. You can buy chemicals to kill anything that exists, but be wary of any sensitive plants below. Ask your roofer about nailing Zinc or Copper wire to your ridge line. As rain washes over it, subtle erosion of the metals will create an environment where moss cannot grow.
Mold. Not all too different from moss, but important to tackle nonetheless. Take a look for discolored streaks on your roof. These are often good indicators of mold, algae, or fungus that are eating away at your roofing materials. In order to keep molds at bay and stop leaks from springing up, we offer several pieces of advice. A treatment of chlorine bleach or copper sulfate solution with your garden sprayer will kill any existing mold. NEVER powerwash your shingles. This will simply take off the protective granules. Instead, ask us about our GAF algae-resistant shingles, or StainGuard Protection.
Gutter Damage. The shear weight of snow and ice in combination with fall leaves and debris might mean that your gutters are loosened or damaged. Make sure to check that your gutters are securely attached and cleaned before any spring showers come through. Another tip! If you find excess shingle granules in your gutters, it might mean it’s time for new ones.
Missing shingles, and flashing. While you’re up on the roof clearing debris and killing mold, keep your eyes peeled for missing shingles, cracked or dry-rotted flashing, or any other damage. The trouble spots tend to be around vents, chimneys, and seams.
Taking care of any issues early will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. Springtime in Baltimore is too beautiful to spend dealing with roof leaks. Be diligent with with your spring roof maintenance, and you’ll have nothing to worry about!
Proper roof maintenance and inspection can save you a lot of money in the long run. Thanks for sharing.
Complete roof maintenance during spring and fall will help your roof be durable throughout the year. Thank you so much for sharing some tips! Cheers!
Regular maintenance and roofing repair can save a lot of money in the long run. This article is great for starting a spring maintenance checklist. Thanks for sharing!
It’s great that you talked about roofing maintenance and how it’d help us detect a damaged roof! A few days ago, I helped my sister clean her house’s gutters and noticed something was off with her shingles. I think my sister’s roof might need repair, so I’ll be sure to talk to her about hiring an expert for the job! Thank you for explaining how missing shingles are a major red flag in roofs!
Having a flat roof can pose a problem when rainfall is introduced, but this article provides a great bunch of examples for different materials, and some pros and cons of each! Thanks for sharing!