Roof Repair 101, How to Tell a New Roof is Needed
Don’t “Think” A New Roof Is Needed, Know.
Waiting too long to address roof repairs can be one of the costliest mistakes a homeowner can make.
According to Erie Insurance, it’s an error that nearly a quarter of all homemakers commit. A recent company survey found 23 percent of homeowners wait to have their roof inspected until there’s already a problem. Another 27 percent of those surveyed were operating under the false pretense that their insurance would cover damage from time and natural wear and tear.
“Our survey really highlights the need to educate consumers about the importance of regularly inspecting and maintaining their roofs,” says Joe Vahey, vice president and product manager, Erie Insurance said in a statement. “Otherwise they could face thousands of dollars in unexpected repair expenses which, unfortunately according to our survey, many homeowners aren’t ready for.”
At the same time respondents said they were good to very good at dealing with maintenance issues on their homes, with 62 percent of those surveyed grading themselves at A or B level. But when replacing a roof, which insurance may not cover, costing upward of $20,000, homeowners could benefit from a more honest assessment of their maintenance record.
Awareness is Key, Know Your Home’s Overhead Cover and Observe It
Regular inspections will help you find issues and determine the condition.Luckily there’s a plethora of telltale signs a roof is in need of repair. In fact just knowing the maintenance history of your roof goes a long way. The good news is you don’t have to be an expert on roofing to catch a problem.
“Perform routine inspections. You don’t have to know a lot about roofing,” Helene Hardy Pierce, director of contractor services, GAF Materials Corp. told Building Magazine. “Things like ponding water, a piece of slipped base flashing, pitch pockets that haven’t been filled – those should be obvious whether you know a lot about roofing or not.”
A good rule of thumb, especially for an existing asphalt shingle roof, is consider a new roof roughly every 20 years. But if you’ve been putting shingles on top of shingles after about 20 years you almost certainly need a new roof.
Beyond Measures of Time There Are Very Visible Signs a New Roof May be Needed
The most obvious symptom peeling or buckling shingles.
Another very obvious sign that it maybe time for a new roof is simply missing shingles. That’s doubly true if the shingles are missing in the valleys that lead to your home’s gutters. Homeowners should also check their gutters for granules in the gutters, which according to Angie’s List, come loose at the end of a roof’s lifespan.
Algae and moss streaks can also be serious signs of trouble. More than just looking unsightly these growths can do serious damage to a roof. According to www.bobvila.com, “left untreated, the clumpy greenery can cause virtually any roofing material to degrade—most commonly wood and asphalt, but also metal, clay, and concrete—and thus drastically shorten its lifespan.”
Another obvious sign a home’s roof is at the end of its lifespan is if you can see the light, literally. If you can see sunlight from your attic, according to Good Housekeeping, its time to reach out to a professional. “Small leaks can be patched, but larger ones, structural damage, and the age factor might make it wise (and cost efficient) to replace your roof sooner rather than later,” according to the magazine.
Thanks for explaining how it is important to inspect your roof periodically, and not just when you notice a problem. This is something that I am definitely guilty of. I didn’t think to have my roof inspected until I noticed a bunch of shingles scattered around my yard. It happens pretty much every time we get a windy day, and now I think my carport is starting to leak a little. If I had inspected my roof at all this season, I might have noticed it was time for repairs. Hopefully, I haven’t waited too long and the roof can still be repaired rather than replaced.
Our pleasure! Thanks for reading. Tell us about Palmer Roofing in Walla Walla. We here at Charm City are a long ways away from Walla Walla, but are glad to get in contact with other roofers.
I’m glad you said that you should consider getting a new roof every 20 years. My husband and I moved into an older home, and we have been wondering if we needed to replace the roof. Good to know that if it is over 20 years old that we should. Thank you for the information!
Thanks for writing this awesome article. I’m a long time reader
but I’ve never been compelled to leave a comment.
Thanks for pointing out that the rule of thumb for existing asphalt shingle roof is getting a new one every 20 years. My home is about 20 years old, so it might be time to look at my roof and see what kind of condition it is in. For inspecting my roof, I think I will contact roof repair services for the job.
I didn’t know that waiting too long to address roof repairs can be one of the costliest mistakes a homeowner can make. Our roof has a lot of leaks and holes because of the hurricane. My dad suggested having roof repairs and shared this article with us. It says that another obvious sign a home’s roof is at the end of its lifespan is if you can see the light, literally.
Great tips! Knowing what is going on in and on top of your home can save lots of money!
I really like that you mentioned that routine roof inspections can help you recognize and assess the need for repairs. My wife and I just moved a home that’s about 30 years old, and I don’t believe the roof has been replaced. It’s in good condition, so I’d like to keep it for as long as it will last!
Hey Oscar, I see you’re linked to Moriarty Roofing in Colorado. Tell us a little bit about the business. Glad to hear your roof is in good condition even though it’s 30 years old!
My roof is missing shingles ever since the recent storm. It makes sense that I would want to get a professional to repair my roof for me! That way I don’t have to worry about any water getting in where the shingles are missing.
Hey Braden, you definitely want to get a professional. Luckily for you, I see that you are associated with A Better Way Roofing and Construction. That’s very convenient! I’m sure they can hook you up and replace some of those missing shingles – if you can’t already do so yourself. Tell us about what you do and if you actually have roofing knowledge, please feel free to share. Your input is appreciated.
Always check what is going on to your roof, they need some care as well. Thanks for the information man it really matters.
Hey Joe, you are more than welcome! We appreciate your engagement in our post. We’d appreciate your input as well. Tell us more about Springfield Roofing Service. I’m sure you have some great knowledge to share with us and everyone else.
It’s awesome that this article talked about how algae and moss streaks can be serious signs of trouble on a roof. My husband and I noticed some moss on our roof this past year and have been wondering what that meant for us. What you said about how clumpy greenery can cause virtually any material to degrade was very interesting to me.
Hey Khorae, thanks for your reply. I’m glad our post was of interest to you. I see that you’re with American Icon Home Improvements. Do you not do roofing work? It seems like your website has a roofing page. Hopefully the guys at American Icon know how to resolve moss issues for you. If they don’t just let me know and we can tell you all you need to know about the impact of moss on a roof.
I do like how you warned us about the most common mistake every roof owner does which is to be neglectful of taking care of their roof’s problems. That is something I will be sure to avoid which is why I will find the best roofing contractor to inspect ours regularly. The roofing contractor should provide me with the peace of mind that my roof will be lasting for a long time. Thanks!
Elsa, I see you’re linked to Amick Roofing. Do you not work there? We don’t mind if other roofing contractors comment on our blogs.
I am faced with so much uncertainty deciding whether or not I’m in need of a roof replacement. Some pros say I could get one while some say I might need one. I think I really need a roof inspector. Please tell how to get in contact with one.
I see your linked to Roofing Ventures in Joplin, MO. There’s no need to sneak around in the shadows. Join the conversation and contribute. I’m sure we could all benefit from additional insight.
LOL, I love reading all these comments on here. They’re all clearly trying to get backlinks but act like homeowners. Funny stuff.
It’s a real pain. There’s sometimes 10,000+ comments a month of nothing but spam. If you figure out how to get rid of them, let me know lol.
Very interesting article! Thank you for that rule of thumb tip, at least now I have the idea that 20 years is the maximum life span for a roof to considered good and other things to consider in roof inspection. Good job!
We run into a lot of people that wait to call a roofing contractor in our area, Charlotte, NC until it’s too late and the leak has already started to damage the interior of the home. Great article!
Hey Charlotte Pro! Thanks for the comment. Often when people wait too long it’s simply due to poor vigilance. There are definitely instances of flat out neglect, but most of the time it’s just the homeowner not making time for routine roof checks – or knowing routine checks should be done in the first place. And they are easy to do! You don’t even have to get on the roof. Simply check your attic for leaks in the roof decking. Doing so on a bi-annual or yearly basis is usually adequate.
I like the suggestions. Sometimes the time is just not right or may just need a repair. I can appreciate you showing some insight into when is the right time to get your roof replaced.
Thanks for the comment, Josh. You’re right. Sometimes the time just isn’t right and sometimes a simple repair will suffice.
My wife and I noticed that some of our shingles have started to fall off these last few years, so it might be time we get an inspection. I like your point about how routine inspection and maintenance can go a long way. We don’t want to have to replace the entire thing because of neglect, so we might need to do this soon.
Great! Thanks for sharing the wonderful information with us.
Northwest Roof Restoration, all the way from Boise, Idaho! We’re glad you enjoyed the blog. Tell us a little bit about your roofing business. Love the url, btw. It’s nice and concise.
I think I might need to have my roof repaired. It makes sense that knowing whether or not I do would be important! I’ll be sure to get a professional to take a look at my roof for me to see what they think.
Thank you for your comment on how moss streaks can be a sign of serious trouble. My fiance and I just bought a new house and I noticed what looks like it could be moss growing on the roof. I’m not completely in love with how the roof looks as it is right now. I think it might be time to bring some roofers in and replace the whole thing.
It was really good that you pointed out that by having the roof regularly inspected, we will be able to point out the potential problems before they become too hard to handle. I will be sure to mention this to my brother as I know that the house is very important to him. Of course, I want to help him ensure that every aspect of it is well taken care of. I will suggest getting the roof inspected every once in a while. Thank you.
I did like it when you said that it’s time to get a new roof if we begin seeing that there are missing shingles on the part of the roof near the valley. My brother did mention a few days ago that he saw shingle granules on the gutter and at the garden. I will check to see where the problem is and take action depending on the circumstance. Thank you!
I totally agree with you when you said that delaying roof repairs can only lead to costlier repairs. We had to learn this lesson the hard way because or roof gave way after the recent storm. I didn’t realize the drains were already clogged and caused the gutters to get too heavy. Moving forward, I’d be sure to follow the tips you provided. For now, I’d be needing a professional to get it fixed the soonest.
Thanks for pointing out that if you see moss or algae on your roof then you might have a lot of damage coming your way. I was recently up there trying to clean out the gutters, and I noticed that there was a patch of moss near the gutter spout. It seems like I should find someone who will be able to get rid of the growth and repair the roof for me.
Of course, Amanda! You’re exactly right. Moss not only means that your shingles are worn down, but that water is being retained. This can lead to further rot, or damage from expanding ice this time of year.
It was really nice how you said that regular inspections are necessary for determining whether or not there’s a problem with the roof as that will allow the person to see the telltale signs of problems. Although you say it is easy to point out, I do not think it will be for me as I have not climbed up the roof once. Now that I am suspecting a leak or a hole up there, I think it will be better for me to ask a professional to do the inspection. Thank you.
My husband and I have been working on our roof. We do have a few shingles that are missing, but how do we know if the shingles just need to be replaced or the whole roof does?
If the shingles are missing, they will need to be repaired and/or replaced. When that is being done, a trustworthy roofer will be able to spot signs of rot or breaches in your roof’s underlayment. From there, you’ll know whether or not the whole roof needs to be done. We’re happy to offer free estimates and would be happy to give you Charm City Roofing’s expert advice on whether or not you need repair or replacement.
I appreciate your comments on getting your roof regularly inspected to make sure it is in good condition. I have noticed a small leak in the attic, so I think I will need to hire someone to repair it. After that I will have to remember to get it inspected more often to prevent any other issues.
Great article – spotting the warning signs early can save you a load of money!
Absolutely! There’s nothing worse than waiting too long to solve a problem. It’s always best to be vigilante, especially when it concerns such a large investment. Thanks for reading and commenting.
It is good to know that peeling or buckling shingles is a sign that you may need a new roof. My parent’s house is older and the roof is starting to look old, but I am not really sure how to know if it needs repairs or a whole new roof. We will have to get a contractor out to inspect it and see what it needs.
My husband and I really want to get our roof repaired. Thank you for suggesting that leaks can be a sign that you need to get someone in to fix your roof. I’ll have to look into contractors in my area that can come and fix all the leaks and replace the missing shingles.
I really liked what you said about getting a new roof if there is peeling occurring. This is a great insight for me and my fiance since we just bought a new home. We have seen this on our roof, so we will be sure to look into a roof replacement.
Next time you’re up to clean your gutters be sure to look out for all the warning signs of wear! I see that Earhart Roofing is out in Alaska, there must be some serious weather to deal with up there!
I appreciate the information on how to tell if a new roof is needed as opposed to just repairs. I had no idea that algae and moss could be a serious sign of trouble for your roof. My grandma is looking at getting a new roof installed, I will be sure to share these tips with her.
Algae and moss can lead to continued damage for a roof. If algae and moss are present on a roof, retained water can lead to further rot, deterioration, and even insect damage. Let us know if we can help you out! https://www.charmcityroofing.com/contact-us/
We have a metal roof on our barn, and we’ve been having some leaks, so repairs could be good. I like that you talked about how asphalt roofs should be redone every 20 years, but I was wondering if you know much about metal roofing. I think that our barn roof is probably pretty close to that age, but I don’t know if simple repairs would be our best option or if we should plan on a full replacement!
The first step is to locate replacement shingles or shakes and hopefully, you have some left over from your original roof installation. Then you’ll need to remove the damaged pieces, install new underlayment, and add the new shingles or shakes.
We had a terrible windstorm last week and several of our shingles were blown off. The remaining shingles are all curling, so it sounds like we really need a new roof. Do you have any tips for hiring a great roofing company in my area?
Hi Bethany,
Thank you for reading our blog post at charmcityroofing.com
To find a local roofing company in your area, we suggest doing some simple online research. A google search query like “Baltimore Roofer” should do the trick. We take pride in demonstrating our great local reputation online, and would hope other reputable companies would do the same.
I really like what you said about awareness being key and how regular inspections will help you find issues and determine the condition. My roof looks like it’s been falling apart lately but I’m not sure if it’s needing a replacement. It would be a good idea to get in touch with a company that can inspect my roof for me and give me a professional opinion on what should be done about it.
It would definitely be a good idea to contact an expert roofer like Charm City Roofing. A trustworthy roofing company will tell you if your roof needs replacement or simply repair. We offer free estimates at https://www.charmcityroofing.com/contact-us/ and I would imagine many other local roofers will do the same.
Thanks, it’s very informative
This is some really good information about roofing repair. It is good to know that it would be smart to have a pay attention to if your roof is losing shingles. That is a good thing for me to be aware of because I am planning on getting my first home soon.
A neighbor of mine has been doing some work on her roof, and it made me wonder if I should be doing work on my own. I’ve noticed that my gutters are getting a little lose, but I didn’t think that meant anything. I’m very glad I read this article so I can know that things like missing shingles, loose gutters, algae, and moss could all be signs of needing a new roof.
I’m grateful for your advice about the need for a new roof and hiring a roofing contractor. I would suggest that we should look after the one whom we can trust and of course, can do the estimate in writing to avoid any misunderstanding to both parties. Just let me share a simple tip that searching online is your best source if you need a well-experienced roofing contractor near you. However, when browsing online, review all the reviews; don’t just jump and stop at the nearest roofing contractor you can find.
Thanks for pointing out that a good rule of thumb is that you should start thinking about getting a new roof every 20 years. My home was built in 1947, and I don’t know when the roof was last replaced. It looks like it needs it though, so I’ll just need to find someone who could install a new one for me.
At the very least, get an inspection done by a professional. An expert should be able to estimate the lifespan of your roof, and whether or not a full roof replacement is necessary. Older homes without proper records are particularly prone to having damaged roofs.
It was nice to be informed that if the roof is missing a few shingles, especially the ones near the valley, it is time to consider getting it replaced. I will call a professional roofer to take a look at the situation because I am not sure. I climbed up the roof a few days ago and saw that there are a few shingles missing near the valley of the roof. It got me thinking if that counts.
I’m grateful for your advice about the need for a roof repair or replacement. I guess it’s now time to replace our roof, however, I cannot decide for the right materials. We’ve got a wooden roof at the moment and am thinking of replacing it with metal. I really need a certified and well-respected roofing company. Can you please help me with this?
Thank you for reaching out! We don’t install metal roofs, but please take a look at our article on roofing options! https://www.charmcityroofing.com/know-roof-repair/roofing-options-focus-shingles/
Thanks for explaining when a new roof might be needed. I actually didn’t know that knowing the maintenance history could be so important. I’m kind of interested to learn if you can learn about a roof’s history based on records you personally have or if there’s a way to retrieve this information.
Nice Post!!! Thanks for sharing this post about Roof Repair………..Good Job…………..
I’m been worried about the condition of my house. It’s old, so I imagine the roof could use some work. I feel better about hiring a roofing company since you mentioned that you should replace your roof after 20 years.
Yes, you are correct. If you are unsure whether or not your roof is in good shape– especially an older home– please get it checked out. We would hate to see your home suffer damage from a leak. Please let us know more when you find out!
A solid roof above you is extremely crucial that is roof replacement is necessary especially when your roof is old. It is also important that we should understand the technologies behind roofing materials and weigh up the pros and cons before choosing it. Thank you for sharing this amazing article.
Our roof has leaks and we don’t know where it’s coming because there are water stains on our walls. It was explained here that regular inspections will help us know the current condition of our roof. Moreover, it’s recommended to hire professionals for quality roof repair.
Thanks for sharing keep it up. Here is one more website that also provides roofing services and they are commendable his work and taking care of his customers. I hope you would like it. https://www.mkcustomroofing.com/
Thanks for the information that algae and moss streaks could cause serious damage to the roof and could deteriorate it so it may need to be replaced. I live near the coast and my roof has had moss streaks on it for a while but I didn’t think it would cause problems for the roof. I have to find a roofer that can come and check out my roof and see if it’s been damaged at all and needs to be replaced.
Yes, algae and moss are very bad signs for a roof. Algae and moss on a roof can lead to continued rot, water retention, and potentially insect damage. Contact us at https://www.charmcityroofing.com/contact-us/ if you need a free roofing estimate in the Baltimore, Maryland area
My wife and I noticed that our roof shingles have been curling lately, so thanks for sharing this. I had no idea that it was recommended to replace your roof every 20 years. We’ll have to see when our roof was last replaced to see if we should do that soon.
Thanks for advising regular roof inspections even if not much is known about roofing. My husband was up on our roof recently and noticed a few missing shingles. Even though neither one of us knows the first thing about roofing, it was obvious that our roof is in need or repair and we are now looking for a roof repair service.
You’re correct. Missing shingles is a sign of a roof that needs attention. Good luck in your search, and please feel free to reach out to us with any questions about roofing. Even if it is just to ease your mind about another company’s quote or recommendations.
Thanks for the tips! Here I would like to add few more tips for roof replacement: http://mkcustomroofing.blogspot.com/2018/02/professional-roof-replacement-vs-diy.html
Hi Roger, what you said about seeing the sunlight from the attic is extremely correct. It’s been a month that sunlight is noticeable in our attic. I keep on ignoring it and I had no idea that it will cost me more once I left it unattended. This needs a thorough discussion with my husband most especially now that we’re a little bit out of the budget. Thanks!
If you can see sunlight through your attic, you’re well past due! Light through means water through, and that’s the last thing you want.
I noticed that my roof is looking pretty shoddy. It makes sense that I would want to get a professional to help me out with it! That seems like a good way to ensure that it’s taken care of properly.
Very helpful article and thank you for sharing. Regular roof inspection is strongly advised when you want your roof to last long. Through roof inspection, problems will be discovered and immediate repair can be done to avoid further damages. This can help you save money and ensure that your roof is functioning well.
We completely agree. No matter how well built, a roof is always susceptible to damage and unforeseen problems. The only way to make sure they don’t happen is to perform routine roof inspections. Charm City Roofing guarantees our work, and always appreciate when inspections are done!
Thanks for explaining when a new roof could be necessary. The article mentions it’s important to perform routine inspections. I’m kind of interested to learn if the inspections should be done once a month to really get an idea of the roof’s condition.
Once a month might be a bit over-cautious, but we would certainly recommend keeping tabs often. A quick look when you clean your gutters a few times a year would suffice. Perhaps if there is a particularly severe weather event it would be appropriate to do an extra check. It also goes without saying that if you have an issue with a leak or any other interior problems, call an expert!
I didn’t know that granules in the gutters meant that the lifespan of your roof is up. That is really interesting because my gutters had some granules in it when I was cleaning them out last week! Do you have any more information on how to find a good roofing contractor? I ask because, from what you said here, I think we may need a new roof over our heads!
Granules in your gutters are a good sign that your shingles are near the end of their effective lifespan. It would be a good idea to do an inspection to check for further wear, or call a local roofing professional like Charm City Roofing. As far as finding a reputable roofing contractor, I would start with a simple Google search. We pride ourselves on having both a great word-of-mouth reputation, and online presence. I would recommend looking for a company who takes their business seriously enough to invest into both of those things as well. Also, it goes without saying, but if you are in the Baltimore, MD area we would be happy to schedule a free estimate for you. Happy Roofing!
You are right that it would be a good idea to have my roof inspected more often. I don’t think it ever has been for the entirety of its life. Seeing as my home is a bit older, it would be good to see if there are any necessary repairs needed. Going off what you said, I’ll be sure to check the roof out when I get home and then of course contact someone if it looks like it’ll need repairs.
If you have an older home and aren’t sure of your roof’s condition, I would highly recommend getting a professional roof inspection. If you happen to be in the Baltimore, Maryland area give us a call!
I really appreciate your tip to perform routine inspections on your roof, even if you don’t know a lot about roofing. My wife and I have been thinking of getting a new house, and we were told that the neighborhood gets a lot of heavy rain. In order to stop any water from getting into our house, I will be sure to inspect our roof soon!
Inspect away! How do the guys at Top Dog Roof approach inspections? If the rain is heavy, a quick visit to the attic will let you know quite a bit about your roof. Let us know if you need any insights.
My sister is worried about her new home and its roof. She wants to make sure that the house is safe enough for her family to live in. It might be useful for her to know that you can get an inspection to make sure it is safe.
Hi Camille, yes, definitely tell your sister to do an inspection. That should give her peace of mind.
Checking the condition of our gutters are very important in our home. Good thing these tips was posted for everyone to help us on how to take good care of our gutters. Nick
Nick, we bet you guys at Planet Green know gutters pretty well. Feel free to share some insights with us and let us know how gutters play into good roofing systems. They are very vital and the extent of their role is important for everyone to know. Thanks!
You’re 100% correct. Experienced professionals can save you thousands of dollars with routine maintenance rather than complete restorations. In regards to your 3-tab shingles, please look at our article on roofing options!
I like how you said that regular inspections will help you find problems in your roof quickly. We haven’t ever gotten inspections done in the 10 years we’ve lived in our home, but I think we should start doing that. I don’t want to be hit with costly repairs just because we didn’t have annual inspections done, so we’ll get on it!
Thanks for this informative post! It’s important to know at least when your roofs need some retouching or renovating as no one wants a leaky roof at all! Bigger damages may come should the roof not be checked out.
I really like how you said that awareness is key when it comes to roofing. My mom had no idea that she had a leak in her roof and it ended up growing into a large and expensive problem. I think that it’s a good idea to get a professional to check mine out before it’s too late.
I find it awesome that you mentioned that one should get a new roof once the old one has algae and moss streaks. Reading about this gave me an idea to have a professional inspect the one at my mother’s house. That way, they can help keep water damage from destroying it slowly over time.
This is some really good information about roof repair. It is good to know that it would be smart to look for signs of damage on your roof. That is good for me to know as a new homeowner. It might be smart for me to get my roof inspected soon.
I’m pretty sure that I need a new roof, but I don’t know for sure. As you said here, it would be a good idea to have it inspected first. That way, I can find out exactly what needs to be done.
I want to make sure that I take good care of my roof. It makes sense that I would want to be wary about it! I’ll definitely need to keep an eye on it to make sure that there isn’t any damage to the shingles. If I notice any damage I’ll be sure to get a professional to take care of it.
I found it interesting how you mentioned how a good rule of thumb is to consider installing a new roof every 20 years to ensure a safe home. My wife and I are preparing to sell our home and we have realized that we can raise the curb appeal by removing our old, moldy roof. We will be sure to keep this in mind as we move into our new home so we can keep it looking as good as possible!
My dad is not sure if our roof needs to replaced because of its age. It was mentioned here that having regulations will help him find issues and determine if the roof needs to be replaced. Moreover, it’s recommended to hire professionals for quality roof replacement.
I appreciate what you said about missing shingles and how this serves as an obvious sign that your roof needs repairs. I think that working with a reliable contractor is important when it comes to ensuring that your roofing materials are durable. My friend wants to repair the leaks on his home, so I’ll help him find a roofer that is known for administering quick fixes efficiently.
I didn’t think that buckling shingles is a sign that tells me that a new roof is needed. Frankly, I believe that the roof was still fine until I saw missing shingles last week. Since you mentioned that algae streaks are signs of trouble, I’ll call a home roof replacement service to build me a new roof soon.
It’s great to know more about roofing. I love how you said that there are visible signs that repairs are needed. We’ll have to look at our roof to check for those.
I want to make sure that I take good care of my roof. It makes sense that I would want to get a good roofing contractor to help me out! They would be able to check if there’s anything wrong with my home, and they would also be able to fix it.
Thanks for your advice to check for missing shingles or gutter in your roof. This is to make sure that your roof is still in its good condition. I also like how you highlighted the benefits of checking if the already needs replacement. My brother has been having this kind is an issue as his roof was damaged by the recent hurricane. He is now looking for roof contractors who can help him further.
If he is in the Baltimore, Maryland area please tell him to give us a call!
Thanks for reminding me that I have to contact a residential roofing repair service because waiting too long can be a costly mistake that I don’t want to make. I think being aware that my roof has a problem would be the first step for me to know if I need to hire a contractor or not. Since my roof has algae now, I’ll have a professional come over to fix it as soon as possible.
I really liked that you mentioned the importance of checking your roof for missing shingles. Avoiding the tell-tale sign can be hard and having a professional repair it sounds like a good idea. My sister might like knowing this as she looks into getting a roof repair service.
It sure got my attention when you said that an obvious sign that you need to have a roof replacement is the presence of algae and moss in your roofing material because these can help degrade them. I’ve noticed that some moss has formed near my gutter, which is now spreading to some parts of my roof. That is why I’m planning on having some roofing contractors check and have the problem fixed. Thanks for your roofing repair guide!
Nice post! This article is helpful for me.
I found it interesting how you mentioned how the only way for you to truly know if your roof can be repaired instead of replaced is by inspections from someone who knows what to look for. My wife and I are in the process of preparing our home for our upcoming family reunion and we want to make sure the high occupancy we are expecting doesn’t cause unnecessary stress and damage to our home. Because we know the younger kids will jump off our roof into the pool, I will keep this in mind as we search for a roof repair company that can inspect the quality of our roof at that point!
There was a big storm recently, and it damaged my roof. It makes sense that I would need to get a professional to fix it for me! That way, I don’t have to worry about it getting any worse.
I found it interesting how you mentioned how missing shingles in the valleys that lead to your home’s gutters can be a surefire sign that your roof needs to be replaced. My wife and I are in the process of preparing our home for our upcoming family reunion and we have noticed that our roof seems to be sloping inwards and creaking, especially in the gutter valleys. Because we don’t want the roof to collapse on our family, I will keep this in mind as we search for a residential roofing service that can help us replace our roof!
There was a storm recently that ended up damaging my roof. It makes sense that I would want to get a professional to install a new one for me! That way, I don’t have to worry about it causing any damaged to my home.
I noticed that my roof was damaged in a recent storm, and I’m not sure what to do. It makes sense that getting a roofing contractor to help would be ideal! They would know the proper way to go about repairing this.
I liked that you mentioned that hiring regular inspections of your roof will help you to know when a roofing replacement is needed. Between school and work I find myself very busy and with little time to think about the state of my roof. Hiring a professional to handle that inspection for me would relieve me of stress and provide comfort in knowing that my home is safe. For this reason, I will consider hiring a professional to inform me of when it is time to replace my roof.
It’s good to know that large holes and dips in your roof can mean it’s time to replace it. My wife and I want to make sure our home is ready to sell as we retire. I will keep this in mind as we find a roof replacement service that can replace our slouching roof!
I want to make sure that I take good care of my roof. It makes sense that having it repaired whenever there is a problem would be important! That way, you can ensure that your roof doesn’t cause any damage.
It’s good to know that time can wear down roofs and cause damage to your home. My wife and I recently bought an old home and we don’t want the roof collapsing on us as we sleep. I will keep this in mind as we find roofing services that can help us repair our home!
Roof replacement at the right time is crucial. When you wait too long, problems will get worse and costs will escalate. If your home or business is in need of a new roof, contact a reputable roofing company that specializes in EPDM roofing installation and one that can provide recent references. EPDM roofing systems are strong, durable and affordable and will stand the test of time.
Until I read this, I didn’t know your maintenance history could tell you a lot about the roof. In my opinion, the important thing to have an expert on would be fixing the roof, because you just found a problem and so you don’t want to have to deal with others just a few years down the road. I’ll have to look for a good roofing company.
I found it interesting how you mentioned how algae and moss streaks can be signs of a roof’s immediate passing because it shows how much moisture was let into your shingles. My wife and I are in the process of preparing to sell our old home and we have noticed that every potential buyer always asks why our roof has so many algae spots. I will keep this in mind as we search for a roofing service that can fix this for us!
I like what you said about checking gutters for granules which can come loose at the end of the roof’s lifespan. My aunt lives in a really windy area and often worries about her roof because of how windy it is. It would be really nice if she can get a professional to help her take care of her roof.
I noticed that some of my shingles are missing after a recent storm. It makes sense that having that repaired would be necessary! I’ll be sure to get a professional to help me out with that. They would be able to ensure that it replaced properly.
I had no idea that you should get a new roof every 20 years, I don’t think I have ever even had a replacement. I really need to take a look at my roof and check for any signs of damage. I hope that my roof can be repaired rather than being replaced entirely, but if it’s time for a replacement, then I should probably get that taken care of.
In my opinion, replacing your roof is a job for a professional. This cannot be done just by anyone or an unlicensed contractor. As you mentioned, regular inspections will help you find issues and determine the condition and whether you need to replace shingles after a storm or an entire roof after years of wear and tear. Thank you for the tips on checking granules in the gutters, which come loose at the end of a roof’s lifespan.
I took a look at my roof, and it seems like there are some shingles falling off. It makes sense that I might need to have a new roof put up! I’ll get a professional to take a look and see what they think. They would be able to determine if I need a new roof, or if I just need some repairs done.
I like how you pointed out that you should consider a new roof roughly every 20 years. My family and I have been living in our current house for more than 2 decades and our roof is slightly falling apart so it might be time for a new roof. After reading the article, I’m confident that our roof needs to be replaced.
It’s good to know that ponding water is a sign that you need to get a new roof. My brother has been telling me about he’s had some water pooling up on his roof recently when it rain, and it seems like his roof could need to be replaced. I’ll pass this information along to him so that he can call a professional and look further into his options.
I liked that you mentioned a sign you may need a new roof is simply just by missing shingles. I have noticed a couple of missing shingles on my house and Have been thinking about what I need to do. I would love to reach out to a roof replacement service near me and get some help replacing my roof.
That’s good to know that regular roof inspections can help you to know if there is an issue. I would think that would be a good way to get the parts of the roof that you cant see from the ground checked out as well. I almost never get up on the roof, so I would most likely miss something up there.
It’s good to know that you should consider a new roof roughly every 20 years. My wife and I recently moved into a new home and the old homeowner told us the house is 30 years old with no renovations. I’ll be sure to look into roof replacement for the safety of myself and my wife.
Good to know that waiting too long to address roof repairs can be one of the costliest mistakes a homeowner can make. I noticed a few shingles in my home looked a little worn. I might reach out to a residential roofing installation expert to see if it needs repairing before the next rain.
I like that you state that it’s important to replace your roof if there are peeling or buckling shingles. My wife and I just moved into a house and we want to start making improvements right away. I will keep this information in mind and start looking for a roofing company to help us with that project.
I like that you mentioned regular inspections will help you to find issues with your roof. My grandmother is having problems to know if her house needs roof repair due to her age. I will contact a roofing contractor to help her with any problems that she may have with her roof.
I’m remodeling my home and my roof is going to be part of it. As you said, I should inspect the roof before doing any work on it. That way, I’ll know whether I’ll need to repair it or replace it.
The best way to know about whether you have to repair the roof or replace it all together is to go for inspection and find out the extent of the damage done to the roof. Roof contractors also offer inspection services but make sure the inspection is a legitimate service and not a ploy to sell roof replacement.
There was a really bad storm recently, and it took it’s toll on my roof. It makes sense that I would want to get a professional to help me out with this. They would make sure that everything is taken care of properly.
I like how you included that the most obvious symptom of needing a new roof is peeling. My roof has a lot of peeling and I’m probably going to need to hire someone to fix it. I’ll keep this information in mind if I decide to hire a roofer.
My roof is having some issues, and I’m not sure what to do about it. It makes sense that I would want to consider getting a professional to help me out with this. I’ll be sure to find one who can determine whether or not my roof needs to be replaced in the first place.
It’s good to know that algae and moss streaks can lead to damage to your roof. My wife and I moved into a new home recently and we were wondering if it was bad that moss is starting to grow onto our roof. I’ll be sure to let my wife know that we should get our roof checked out by a professional to see if it needs repair.
This is a pretty great post.. Any tips or anything you would recommend me to avoid?
Avoid materials from second-rate companies, and work done by second-rate contractors!
I’ve known homeowners to overlook granules in the gutters or around the base of the home, not realizing that they’re not simply airborne debris. Great tips, thanks for sharing.
Dude! Awesome stuff. Please keep writing more things like this. I really like the fact you went so in depth on this and really explored the topic as much as you did. I read a lot of blogs but usually, it’s pretty shallow content. Thanks for upping the game here!
I like how you explained that you can know if your roof needs repairs by having it inspected regularly. This way a professional inspector can tell you about repairs and you aren’t just trying to guess about it. They can also let you know if it is possible to fix it on your own or if a professional roofer is required to fix it.
It’s good to know that you should have a new roof installed about every 20 years. My roof is 24 years old, and I noticed several shingles laying in the front lawn after a storm this past weekend. I will definitely look into replacing it.
Thanks for the quick sign of having missing shingles be a sign that it’s time for a new roof. My wife and I have lived in our home for 5 years but we have always wondered when we should replace our roof. The other day as we were walking to our door, one of the shingles fell off of our roof. We need to find a professional contractor to help us install a new roof
Hi Mats, we love the spelling of your name. It’s like your name is Matt with one less “T”, but there’s more than one of you so the name had to be pluralized. That’s excellent! You are more than welcome for the quick tip on that missing shingles are a sign a new roof is needed. If one nearly knocked your noggin upon exiting your home, it is definitely time to get a certified roofer out to take a look. If you live in the Charlotte, NC area, may we suggest the business you’re affiliated with, AW Roofs. If you’re in Maryland, there’s no question the call should come into the one and only, Charm City Roofing. Best of luck to you w/ the roof! And thanks for engaging in our blog!
It’s interesting that 23% of homeowners wait to have the roof inspected. I need to have my roof inspected so I can start staging my home to sell. I’ll be sure to ask different roofers what they charge for inspections.
If you’re in the Baltimore, Maryland area we’d be happy to help!
I tell my clients all the time to AT LEAST get a roof inspection every other year. Many think once per year is too much when I used to tell them that. Now I’ve gone to every 2 years just to get people to realize how important a regular inspection is. So many times I’ve seen a minor shingle issue grow over the course of 4 years and become a massive roof replacement project. Something that could have been a few hundred to fix is now several thousand… Get your roofs inspected sometimes people!
Getting regular roof inspections is definitely a great idea for home maintenance!
Thanks for sharing such an interesting post, Roger. Many homeowners are waiting for the right time to fix their roofs. eventually, they need to pay more for roofing services.
Our pleasure, Brian. You’re absolutely right. In most instances roofs do not get the maintenance they require to maximize life expectancy. It’s very difficult to maintain a roof and often dangerous without the proper equipment. As a result, when we get calls for roof repairs a roof replacement is actually necessary. Thanks for reading and for the comment! Best of luck to you and your business.
thanks for sharing his blog
Extremely decent post I simply unearthed your weblog and wished to say that I have genuinely delighted in searching your weblog posts.
Its always a great idea to get an inspection once a year or after a heavy storm. Now most roofing companies will do roof inspections for free so don’t be afraid to contact your local roofing company and ask if they will come out for a free inspection.
Hey Collin, I saw that stat about 23% of people waiting for an issue to before getting an inspection. I would have thought this number was much higher.
Thanks for reminding me that we have to do a regular inspection on our roof in order to assess its condition. Unfortunately, we haven’t bothered to check our roofing and it is also the reason why our attic has been suffering from a lot of leaks. I hope it’s not too late to have it checked by a professional to see what should be repaired immediately.
It’s a great point that shingles that are buckling or peeling off are usually a great sign that they need to be replaced. My cousin is buying an older home soon and it’s going to need some work done on it before winter. I think he should start with the roof because it’s starting to peel and needs to be replaced ASAP.
There comes a time in every homeowner’s life when he/she has to decide whether to repair or replace their roof. While it’s always recommended to contact trusted roofers for a thorough roof inspection to determine the exact condition of your roof, another good way to make an informed decision is to look out for some warning signs yourself. By examining some tell-tale signs of your roofing damage, you can decide whether to go for roof repair or replacement.
Great information Thanks for sharing.
Most homeowners don’t take their roofs seriously until it becomes too late. What they don’t know is that not paying attention to their roofs is one of the biggest mistakes they can make, and one that will cost them heavily sooner or later.
Quality roofing materials and good workmanship are necessary for a quality roof replacement. For this reason, choosing a top notch professional roofing contractor is imperative.
This is some really good advice. I’m down the road in DC, so I deal more with flat roofs than shingles, but if I had a dime for every roof that’s past it’s prime because the homeowners didn’t put any thought or maintenance into it until it’s too late.
I wrote this list of tips on how to pick a contractor to try and help people make a good decision
This is great that you mentioned roof repair. Our roof hasn’t been maintained well since we moved in. We need a good roof to protect us from all storms. I’ll definitely make a checklist to get started.
Great Article Thanks for Sharing.
Being located in NJ on the East Coast where humidity is high algae and moss steaks are definitely very overlooked problems by homeowners and can lead to much bigger problems down the line. Most roofs material in this part of the country are asphalt and wood and we know how much algae and moss love those two materials.
It’s sorry but true that most property owners are waiting for something bad to happen from exterior damage from the environment so that they can make an insurance claim and have everything paid for. In most cases, this will not work out for them putting the homeowner in even a deeper financial hole bc they didn’t address the issue when they should have.
Great Advice, Get Routine Roof Inspections and Don’t just wait for a Rainy Day!
I found this article very informative about “Roof Repair 101, How to Tell a New Roof is Needed”. Looking forward for more informative articles like this related to Gutter Repair Radcliffe
I find it helpful to know that missing or peeling roofing shingles is an obvious sign that our roof needs to be repaired or replaced. My husband and I recently moved to the house I inherited from my parents. There are a few missing shingles on the roof, but we didn’t pay much attention since the roof doesn’t leak. However, after reading your article, perhaps it’s time to contact a roofing contractor. Thanks for this.
really cool informative posts
Roof repair is something you need to constantly need to be doing. It’s part of regular maintenance. I find people are so cheap these days they see roof maintenance as an added expense they don’t need and they end up paying more in the long run due to them trying to pinch every penny. A roof isn’t cheap and you would think people in general would want to keep their investment(home) in good working order. Yes, there are people who know the benefits of regular maintenance but sadly many people don’t. Thaks for the post.
When it comes to keeping your home in good order, roofing repair is extremely important. Also, a damaged roof can lead to damage in the other parts of your house. … A leaky roof can allow water to enter your home and accumulate where it shouldn’t, which can lead to mold and other problems. Thank you for sharing your roof repair guide. I admire your expertise.
It is a wonderful article stating the roofing contractors roof repair guide, which can be the best option as per your need. I like how you have researched and presented these exact points so clearly.
Nice tips and advice on roof maintenance on how we can take care of our roof much better. You literally saved my time and effort on finding ways to really save my roof this coming winter since I’ll be doing it on my own. Keep it up, guys!
please do check out for this roofing company: https://monarchroofing.com/
Thank you for your perfect comment
“Roof Age” This is important but its also something most homeowners look over or view as not important. People have a notion that a roof is a onetime thing. That once you have a new one its good forever. That is not the case a roof needs to be replaced at least once every/in 25 years. Its not forever. Like anything it gets old and worn down as has to be replaced. Having a professional know that and providing that information is important. Make sure you are in the know for all this and you will stay safe and secure under your roof.
These are really good tips. I will be using them. thanks for sharing.
Really Good inspection tips. Must say you sharing this has really help to bring out some new ideas for me.
Very well written article !!! Loved it!
I can see from all the comments i am not the only one who thinks this is a great article. Good stuff has been shared here. Well Presented.
Roofing should indeed be taken seriously. Maintenance and repairs should be done with urgency. I have gotten some new ideas from reading this. Thank you for sharing.
Hello! Thanks for interesting post! This topic is really necessary! All roof companies have different insurance conditions, so I have a hard time figuring out which roof cover insurance I should choose. roof pricing varies, but I don’t want to skimp on my parents’ house. Moreover, cheap materials are very unreliable.
I appreciate you helping me to understand that missing shingles are a sign that you are going to need a new roof. Is there a certain number of shingles that indicate you need a new roof? It seems like you could just get some new shingles if you are only missing a couple on your roof.
Age of the roof is no doubt the obvious sign when a new roof is needed because every material has a certain age but to increase the longevity of the roof I would suggest to all the home owners to use a timely application of “Butyl Liquid Rubber”. This sealant has a refined rubber composition that sticks firmly with roof’s surface and deters the growth of moss and algae.
The most premium feature is it will formulate an insulation layer protecting your flat or pitched roof from all sorts of potential roof damage caused by severe weather conditions.
For more information, you can visit:
It is very true that waiting for a long time to repair the roof will cost muchg more in the long run. A repair is a fraction of the cost compared to a reroof.
For more information on rerrofs and repairs then check us out: https://www.roofingfrommiami.com/
Sometimes patching just isn’t enough. This article is really helpful for those looking for roof replacement. Thanks for sharing!
My cousin would like to hire a roofer that will be able to install a new roof on her house since this will help improve its curb appeal. Thank you for sharing here as well the importance of asking about their equipment first. I also agree with you that it will be a great idea to have proper monitoring of its gutter.
Thank you for this informative article. It was super helpful.
I agree that you should get your roof repaired as early as possible, as the damages down the road will just make an eventual fix more expensive!
Super helpful article, so thanks a lot!
Keep them coming please.
It’s great that you mentioned that a good rule of thumb, especially for an existing asphalt shingle roof, is to consider a new roof roughly every 20 years. My sister plans to have a service clean the interior brick materials of her home and is considering having a roof cleaning too. I’ll share this with her to help her plan. Thanks!
Extremely useful article regarding roof repair. Very much appreciated.
Completely agree with the fact that if you have damage to your roof that needs fixing, dont put it off. It will cost you more in the long run.
What an awesome article!
I found this post super helpful and informative, and have actually shared it with a bunch of friends, and my job at the job i work at. The reason i have shared it with my boss, is that the company is currently looking for a roofing contractor, and with such a good article, they might go with you guys.
Thanks for the tip about how I should also try to check my shingles for some buckling when planning to get some roof repairs done. I’m interested in looking for a good contractor soon because there are times when my roof makes some clacking sounds whenever it’s windy. I think those are my shingles starting to get a bit loose.
Performing a routine inspection to make sure your roof is okay sounds really important. Considering how early it is before Winter, getting that checked while we can still work on our roof might be the best way to keep our home safe. I’ll take this into account and start looking for a roofer from the area that can help us with the inspection and any needed repairs after.